Tired of changing battery for IoT devices? We can help to build sustainable energy
solution. We have lots of successful use cases, such as water-quality monitoring, airquality monitoring, smart bus station, smart parking, Industrial IoT applications. Let’s
turn sunlight into your source of power.
High performance solar panels
We provide high efficiency solar panels (>21% solar cell and unique modularization
tech), ranging from 0.1W to 150W, including all-black-panel, glass, plastic, and
wave-guiding solar with different size and thickness. Our team has great experience
in optical simulation, and material science to support your outdoor IoT projects.
Low temperature battery solution
By incorporating with low-temp rechargeable battery solution, our solar system can
work at -20oC. For those area with -20oC condition, it is possible to use solar-battery
system, too.
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